Here is where you can see the status of your order!

Please do not contact me regarding your order status unless you have checked this page first. I try to update the page a couple times a week.

“Pending inclusions” means that I have not received your breastmilk or cremains yet.

“Pending jewelry” means that the jewelry you purchased has been ordered on my end, and I am waiting for it to arrive.

“Jewelry received” means that I have received the jewelry you ordered.

“Inclusions received” means that I have received your breastmilk or cremains in the mail!

“Inclusion Preserving” means that I have started the milk preservation process for your inclusion. Cremains will not have this status as they don’t need to undergo an extra preservation step unlike the breastmilk.

“Production started” means that I have received your inclusions and jewelry and your keepsake is in progress. note: This status may show for a few weeks. I make keepsakes in the order the inclusion arrives to me in the mail!

“Ready for shipment” means that your keepsake is complete and awaiting shipment.

“Complete” means that your keepsake is complete and has been shipped & you have received a tracking number via email